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1. What type of information is collected?The team responsible for the Sustenta website receives, collects, and stores any information entered on our website or otherwise provided. In addition, the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect the user's computer to the Internet, as well as the computer and connection information, is registered in our database. Specific software is used to measure and collect session information, including page response times, duration of the visit, as well as the interaction established with each of the pages that make up the website and the navigation methods used to enter and exit those pages. Personal information (name and email), comments, feedback, and recommendations are also collected.
2. How is this information collected?The gathered information is obtained from the subscription to our newsletter, by entering the name and email address. That information is used in accordance with the principles referred to in point 1.
3. Why is the information collected?The information (personal and non-personal) is collected for the following purpose: a) Process the provided services (events and/or scientific training) and/or the acquisition of goods (publications and editions, digital and/or printed); b) Report notices on the provided services and forms of acquisition of goods, mentioned in a); c) Contact the user in order to solve any detected problems, and/or to respond to any voluntary contact, first made by the user; d) Analyze the interaction dynamics of the user on our website, in order to improve the provided services ; e) Comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including our Privacy Policy.
4. How is the information stored, used and shared?"Our website is hosted on the platform by which we share our online services. The user's provided information may be stored in a database and shared in the general applications, managed by on secure servers protected by a firewall. This procedure is autonomous and the entire responsibility of, and the user should consult its Privacy Policy at
5. How do we communicate with the users of our website?We may contact our website users through their contact addresses provided when subscribing to our newsletter, and/or when first contacting the website, for the purpose of the actions listed in section 3.
6. How can our website users cancel their consent regarding the Privacy Policy of our website?To the user who, at any time, does not wish to have the information processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy, we request you to contact us through the email address or the contact form present on the website, indicating in the Subject "Unsubscribe", as well as the name and email.
7. When and how can updates be made to the Privacy Policy of our website?The team responsible for the website reserves, at any time, the right to modify this Privacy Policy, coming into force after publication on this page, advising the user to its regular consultation. These same changes will be expressly mentioned, as well as the date by which they come into force.
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